Directions to Blow-Me-Down Farm

Blow-Me-Down Farm is located on Route 12A in the town of Cornish, NH. To locate the farm, please use the following address in your GPS: 364 NH-12A, Cornish, NH 03745.
There will be banners and signage on Route 12A during the weeks that Opera North is in residence at Blow-Me-Down Farm to help guide you onto the property.
Here are some helpful guidelines for travel from key spots in the Upper Valley:
- From West Lebanon, NH (Exit 20, I-89): Traveling south of Route 12A, Blow-Me-Down Farm is approximately 10 miles from the stoplight at the entrance to the Home Depot parking lot.
- From Norwich/Hartford, VT: Either travel to West Lebanon (Exit 20, I-89) and continue south on Route 12A to the farm, approximately 10 miles south of the stoplight at the entrance to the Home Depot Parking lot. Or: travel south on 91 to Exit 9 (Windsor) and follow Route 5 south to Windsor. Turn left onto Bridge Street in Windsor and cross the Cornish-Windsor covered bridge. Then, turn left onto Route 12A and travel approximately 1 mile north to Blow-Me-Down Farm.
- From Claremont/Newport/Sunapee, NH: Travel west on Route 103 and then travel north on Route 12A towards Cornish. Blow-Me-Down Farm is approximately 1 mile north of the Cornish-Windsor covered bridge.
- From Woodstock/Hartland, VT: Travel south of Route 12 to Route 5 in Windsor. Turn left onto Bridge Street in Windsor and cross the Cornish/Windsor covered bridge. Turn left onto Route 12A and travel north approximately 1 mile to Blow-Me-Down Farm.
Questions? Call us at 603.448.4141 or email us at