Opera North Donor Privacy Policy
Opera North respects the privacy of its donors and has put in place a privacy policy reflective of our respect.
Information Opera North collects and maintains:
- Contact information: name, address, telephone, email
- Giving information
- Information on performances and events attended, as well as special requests by the donor
- Information provided by the donor in the form of comments and suggestions
Opera North uses this information to understand our donors’ interest in our mission and programs and to update them on our plans and activities. All information concerned with donors may be shared only with staff, board members, and consultants, on a need-to-know basis. It will be kept strictly confidential unless permission is granted by the donor, or in the case of an estate, the donor’s representative.
Opera North does not sell, rent, or lease its donors’ information to other organizations.
Opera North offers donors the opportunity to be recognized publicly in association with their gift level; however, all donors are given the opportunity to remain anonymous and decline public/private recognition.
If you have questions about Opera North’s donor privacy policy, or wish to be removed from our mailing list, please email info@operanorth.org or write to Opera North, 20 West Park Street, Lebanon, NH 03766.